A History of Developing Software in LiveCode [ https://tinyurl.com/2udxakpx ]

This web page contains a presentation by Peter Reid (https://www.reid-it.co.uk/background.html) about his experience developing software/apps using a little-known software development system called LiveCode (https://livecode.com). Peter first used LiveCode in 1998, when it was known as "MetaCard" before briefly being named as "Runtime Revolution", and finally becoming "LiveCode".   LiveCode's facility to support software development on Macintoshes, Windows PCs and Linux systems and then deploy such software onto iOS, iPhoneOS and Android devices in addition, sold itself to Peter as the best development environment for the variety of apps that he wanted to develop over the years.



  1. The presentation is longer than 15 minutes if you look at all slides (42 of them).  However, the key slides are 1-5 and those linked in red on slides 3 and 4.

  2. The TimeFlies app was used to generate the video clip on slide 4 of a calendar pad moving through time. It works on a recent Mac & PC and has some hidden features:

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Last updated 26 April 2022