the last 10-15 years we have used the same development tool
to produce a range of bespoke applications. The applications
developed using this tool have included the following:
- CD-ROM-based artistic training material
- data analysis programs
- data conversion programs
- instrument data capture programs
- certificate production programs
Whilst the name of this tool has changed over the years,
fundamentally it has remained the same tool apart from
continuously evolving to meet changing requirements.
Nowadays this development tool is known as LiveCode.
LiveCode can be used to develop cross-platform apps for the
major mobile, laptop and desktop platforms - iOS, Android,
Windows, Macintosh OS X, Linux. Typically we develop apps
using Apple Macs for deployment on whatever platform is
appropriate. We use Macs because they support the widest
range of deployment platforms and over the years, they've
provided the most stable and flexible development platform
In addition to developing bespoke programs, we have advised
on IT Usability issues for over 25 years. Our usability
advice includes the following:
- Usability evaluations leading to hot-spot reports
- The development of prototype screens for new and
upgraded software
- Usability trials with sample users
- Accessibility testing of apps and web sites
Effective usability advice needs a holistic approach to the
use of IT in its widest sense. With this in mind we normally
work with other specialists in related fields in small
collaborative teams to ensure all angles are considered. As
such, our usability advice is usually provided in
conjunction with other consultancies.